BMW Plant Spartanburg to use Figure end-to-end AI robot

Your next BMW X5 could be built by a humanoid robot, as BMW and AI robotics startup Figure today announced a commercial agreement to use Figure’s humanoid robot powered by end-to-end AI at its Plant Spartanburg workforce. Our Malaysian market BMW X5 is CKD, but the packs come from Plant Spartanburg.

The Figure 01 robot will begin with doing five tasks which will be rolled out one at a time. The bot will spend its time being trained on how to do them for the next 12-24 months. The Figure 01 is powered by end-to-end AI, which means it is trained how to perform tasks by watching humans do it instead of having the task itself programmed as a routine inside its system. We’ve covered end-to-end AI before in our story about Tesla and Comma’s driving AI systems.

Below you will find a video showcasing the Figure 01 making coffee after being trained on how to do it for 10 hours. A simple task using a pod-based coffee machine instead of an espresso machine with a portafilter that needs to be filled with grounds and tamped and etc, but it’s a start.

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