Holidaymakers get stressed when travelling in case tea isn’t right

A poll of 2,000 people who travel found 51% have taken their own teabags abroad before. While 37% have even gone as far as bringing their own kettle, mug or sugar bowl. It also emerged 76% feel a cup of tea is never the same when you’re abroad.

The research was commissioned by MSC Cruises, which has sourced British tap water from across the country and an extensive tea ‘library’ full of British favourites for its ship, MSC Virtuosa, departing from Southampton this summer, as part of a trial.

A spokesperson said: “Brits are very particular about their tea, and they should be. When it doesn’t taste right abroad it can change the whole experience. It might be that the tea bags are wrong, or the water tastes off or it might be the UHT milk – it’s very hard to replicate the components that make the perfect cuppa when you’re not at home.

“Whether accustomed to very hard tap water from London, moderate water from Birmingham or soft water from Dundee, we know that even the water can affect the taste.

“We think tea lovers on board will be impressed with the variety of botted British tap water to suit their preferences. It means our guests can have a cuppa that tastes just like one they’d make at home.”

The study went on to find nearly six in 10 (58%) believe drinking British tea abroad can improve the overall experience of a holiday, at least a little. More than one in 10 (11%) even describe it as very difficult to get a proper cuppa served when they’re overseas.

Partnering with the cruise line to provide tea tips for travellers abroad, Diana Perez, a professional tea sommelier from The UK Tea Academy, said: “Brits tend to agree on the use of cold milk instead of hot milk to keep the flavour as fresh as possible, but in Europe you could be served hot, so best to specify.”

“Adding the milk first is known to allow for a better and more balanced combination of all the elements in the cup. Green tea can be considered ‘cooling’ and great for warmer weather, the perfect choice for a hot day in the Med. If a lot has been eaten at the buffet, a peppermint tea will help improve digestion and soothe the stomach.”

The study also revealed the top things that can ruin a cup of tea are too much milk (56%), a too-short brew period (48%) and the wrong temperature of water (44%). While 43% have had a cup ruined by the wrong kind of milk, and 31% can tell the difference right away if the wrong brand of teabag is used.

According to the figures, if someone made them a terrible tea, 45% would simply sip it politely and say nothing. And a quarter would still express gratitude for the gesture – with just 8% refusing outright to drink it.

The cruise ship’s spokesperson added: “Tea loving travellers just want a cuppa that’s up to standard. We want our guests to feel like they are in a home away from home when sailing with us. If this trial is successful, we will roll it out during 2025.”

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