Six free and easy hacks to ‘keep your home toasty’ in the January freeze

Barratt London has partnered with industry experts to share top tips on retaining heat within the home, as well as helping to reduce energy bills.

1. Bleed radiators

Nick Duggan, managing director at The Radiator Centre, said: “Bleeding radiators at least once a year is a must to ensure they are operating efficiently.

“Over time, air will build up in radiators. This means that you will not be benefitting from the radiator’s full heat potential.

“This may mean you are tempted to turn the heating up or keep it on for longer, both of which will add to the cost.”

To bleed radiators, ensure you have the specific key that can be picked up from any hardware store.

2. Clean radiators

Nancy Emery, heating expert at Tap Warehouse, recommended cleaning radiators regularly to retain heat within the home.

According to the pro, this is a “quick and easy fix” which can instantly make a difference.

Nancy explained: “Over time, they’re likely to become a little dirty and dusty which can affect the efficiency of the radiator, so it’s important to vacuum in and around your radiator once a week and brush the dirt from the inside.

“It’s always a good idea to also clean the outside of your radiator once a week with warm, soapy water and a sponge.”

3. Don’t block the radiators

Blocked radiators make it harder for warm air to circulate in the home.

Having space around the radiators could reduce the amount of energy needed to keep the space warm and help to retain it.

4. Open curtains

Debbie Leigh, design manager at ILIV, explained how curtains can be used to trap heat from the winter sun.

She said: “Another simple yet effective strategy for retaining warmth in your home is to keep curtains open during the day and close them when it gets dark. During daylight hours, allowing sunlight to penetrate through the windows will help to utilise the natural heat from the sun.

“In the evening, closing the curtains creates an additional layer of insulation which helps to trap the warmth generated during the day and prevents it from escaping through the windows.”

5. Cover your walls

Covering walls with items such as picture frames, mirrors or bookcases can add style and thermal efficiency to the room, according to an expert.

Oliver Creevy, co-founder of Insulation Advisor, noted: “These objects add thermal mass, acting as insulators that prevent heat loss through walls and enhancing the thermal efficiency of a living space.”

6. Move furniture

Think about the position of your furniture and if possible, arrange sofas and chairs away from external walls and heat sources.

Having a sofa or chair near an external wall can make you feel cold as these are often one of the coldest areas of the home.

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