JPJ eBid: FFF number plate up for bidding – special series released to celebrate JPJ’s 78th anniversary

In conjunction with the road transport department’s (JPJ) 78th anniversary, the government agency has announced a special FFF vehicle registration number plate series, now available for bidding via the JPJ eBid online platform.

The FFF series is open for tender starting from today, May 11, with the bidding period lasting five days, ending at 10pm on May 15. Results for FFF bids will be released on May 16, 2024. As usual, the results will be announced the following day, and bidders will receive the good (or bad) news via e-mail.

So, if you think that an FFF plate will suitably match your new ride, here’s the perfect moment. If you have never bid for a number yourself, check out our step-by-step guide on how to navigate JPJ eBid and the techniques needed to get your preferred number at “retail price.”

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